Biblical Reference
Psalm 25.12 and Luke 19.1-10
Purpose of the lesson
Teach children that God forgives our mistakes and show us the way we should go.
Memorize the verse
“Who, then, are those who fear the LORD? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose”. (Psalm 25.12)
Class: 2-3 year olds
Educator, make a paper hat. Choose a kid and ask him/her to go to the front of the class and close his/her eyes. Meanwhile, ask to the assist educator to put the hat (the one you made) on another kid. Ask to the chosen kid: Which one of these friends is different? (Wait them to participate) Certainly the child with the hat will catch the eye. Say: This one (pointing to the kid with the hat) is different because he/she is wearing a little paper hat and that’s why he/she catches your eye. Today we will know the story about Zacchaeus that, to see Jesus, did something different. Let’s find out what did he do? Stay quiet, I am about to start.
Zacchaeus, the little man
THERE WAS a very short man (educator get down), his name was Zacchaeus. He worked receiving money (make a money gesture with your fingers and ask them to imitate). Buddies, Zacchaeus did something very wrong (make a serious face) because he kept the money from other people to himself. Can we do that, kids? (Wait them to participate) Of course not! (Wave negatively and ask them to imitate)
Zacchaeus found out that Jesus would be passing nearby his house and many people (make a gesture of quantity) stood there waiting Him to pass. But Zacchaeus could not see Jesus so he decided to climb a tree. What a dangerous thing, right kids? But Zacchaeus achieved what he wanted and when he was up above and Jesus looked to him and said: Zacchaeus get down and take me to your house. How nice! (Make an expression of joy) Jesus would stay in the house of Zacchaeus that day!
He was so happy that he apologized to Jesus for all the wrong things he did and he decided to give back to the people all the money he had stolen.
Zacchaeus apologized to Jesus and God taught him how to proceed. After that day he learned he should do good things that pleased God. Who here will obey and do everything right say “I will”. That’s right, Jesus will be very glad with you!!
Drawing. For this activity you will need white cardboards. Cut out the cardboards in a tree shape (a tree for each cardboard). You will need one tree for every four children. Split the class in groups of four and give them crayons. Say: Children, today we heard the story of Zacchaeus, a very short man that climbed a tree to see Jesus. And now you are going to draw Zacchaeus on the tree. Educator, pay attention on the activity and congratulate the kids at the end
Decorating the scene. Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see Jesus. Paint with crayons and glue little paper balls on the tree.
Ps: Educator, distribute pieces of crepe paper and ask to the kids to make little balls with it.
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What is Zacchaeus doing up the tree? |
Class: 4-7 year olds
Educator, make a paper hat. Choose a kid and ask him/her to go to the front of the class and close his/her eyes. Meanwhile, ask to the assist educator to put the hat (the one you made) on another kid. Ask to the chosen kid: In your opinion, which one of these friends catches your eye? Certainly the child with the hat will catch the eye. Say: This one (pointing to the kid with the hat) catches the eye because he/she is wearing something unusual, right? Nobody wears a paper hat. Today we will know the story about a man that, to see Jesus, did something different. Let’s find out what did he do? Stay quiet, I am about to start.
The story of Zacchaeus
THE BIBLE tells us the story of Zacchaeus, a tax-collector who lived deceiving people because he collected much more than they should pay. One day he found out that Jesus was coming to visit his city and he wanted to meet Him.
Many people were at the way waiting for Jesus to pass by. Zacchaeus was a very short man and realized that if he stayed in the middle of the crowd he wouldn’t be able to see Jesus. So he had a great idea. Do you know what he did? (Wait their participation). He climbed a tree. That’s right! He would see him from above the tree for sure. And that’s what happened, Zacchaeus saw Jesus. When Jesus passed under the tree, something wonderful happened for Jesus said: “Zacchaeus come down quickly, for today I want to stay in your house”.
How wonderful! The Master would go to the house of Zacchaeus; then he came down very fast. Some people were talking bad things about Jesus because they thought that He shouldn’t talk to a sinner. Children, Zacchaeus was known as a thief, as someone who took advantage of the people. Jesus knew that he used to do bad things but He loved him and wanted to change his life.
Zacchaeus didn’t miss the opportunity and when they were at his house he said: “My Lord, I decide to give to the poor half of my belongings and if I defrauded someone in something I will repay four times”. And Jesus answered: “Today salvation has come to this house…”
Before having an encounter with Jesus Zacchaeus did many dishonest things and hurt many people. However, after learning about God’s will he left all bad things behind and from that day on everything was new in that man’s life.
Kids, this week verse says: “Who, then, are those who fear the LORD? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose”. God loves all people but He wishes them to abandon all the wrong things to do what pleases Him because by doing so, the Holy Spirit will teach them the way they should follow. Who here wants to follow the path of Jesus say amen!
Fun Chat
Write in a paper the sentence: “Life with Jesus” and in another one “Life without Jesus”. Stick a paper on your shirt with the sentence “Life without Jesus” and ask to the assist educator (or choose a kid) to stick the other one on her shirt. Then pick ten kids. Ask them to make a line (little train). Educator, hold hands with the assist educator or the chosen kid and stay in front of each other. Say to the class: You will pass under our arms (like a country dance) and the kid we hold will choose which side he/she wants to stay, ok?
Educator, start the game. Put your holding hands up and, when the last child is going through, carefully lower the arms and ask what does he/she prefers: truth or lie. He/she will certainly choose the truth. Then ask him/her to stay behind the assist educator (or chosen kid). Continue the game changing the question to “good or evil”, “obedience or disobedience”, “happiness or sadness”, “love or hate”. They must stand behind the one who represents the chosen attitude.
When there are no more children on the train, ask: Class, why nobody wanted to stand behind me? (Wait their participation). Oh! Nobody wanted to pick me because I’m representing a “Life without Jesus” (point to the paper) and he/she (point to the assist educator or chosen kid) is representing a “Life with Jesus”. When Jesus is in our lives we have good attitudes: we are true, kind, obedient, happy, etc. But those who lie, disobey, those who are mean and live sad don’t have Jesus in their lives, just as Zacchaeus who stolen from people before knowing Jesus. However after finding Him, Zacchaeus completely changed his choices and started to have good attitudes. Who here wishes to have good attitudes and to have Jesus inside your heart say “I wish”!
Educator, make a prayer with the kids giving their lives to Jesus. After that, memorize the verse with the poster of the week.
- Setting up the verse. Write the verse on a cardboard, cut it in peaces separating the words and fix each word under a chair. The kids will find the words and they will set it up on the table. In case you have a big class, make the same verse several times in different colors. Children must find the words, put them together and set up the verse following the color. At the end of the activity, explain and memorize the verse with them.
Drawing. Zacchaeus was a short man, that’s why he climbed a tree to see Jesus. Draw him climbing up the tree.
Come down Zacchaeus! I'm coming to your house today. |
Class: 8-10 year olds
Educator, make a paper hat. Choose a kid and ask him/her to go to the front of the class and close his/her eyes. Meanwhile, ask to the assist educator to put the hat (the one you made) on another kid. Ask to the chosen kid: In your opinion, which one of these friends catches your eye? Certainly the child with the hat will catch the eye. Say: This one (pointing to the kid with the hat) catches the eye because he/she is wearing something unusual, right? Nobody wears a paper hat. Today we will know the story about a man that, to see Jesus, did something different. Let’s find out what did he do? Stay quiet, I am about to start.
The history of Zacchaeus
THRE WAS A rich man who lived in the city of Jericho. Zacchaeus was his name. He was a tax collector and acted with dishonesty with people because he used to collect more than they should pay to get plenty of money. God is not pleased that attitude, because he was enriched with what belonged to others.
At that time Jesus visited several cities, teaching about the kingdom of God, healing and delivering people and one day, He went to the city of Jericho. When he discovered that the Lord Jesus was in his town, Zacchaeus wanted to know Him.
Zacchaeus stood in the way expecting Him to pass, but the crowd gathered and was very difficult to get close to Jesus. Seeing Him, then, it was almost impossible, as Zacchaeus was too short. It was then that Zacchaeus had a great idea! He decided to climb a tree. Look kids, he wanted to see Jesus so much that he even forgot that it was an important man, and didn’t mind if someone would see him up that tree.
Zacchaeus could never imagine that Jesus would see him, but to his surprise, Jesus came near the tree, looked up and said, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I want to stay at your house." Zacchaeus, all happy, quickly came down the tree and took Jesus to his house. People were criticizing Jesus for going to the house of a sinner who deceived others. Jesus did not like Zacchaeus committed wrong things, but loved and cared about his life.
The words of the Lord Jesus touched the heart of Zacchaeus who said, "Lord, I decided to give to the poor half of my possessions, and if in anything I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold." And Jesus replied, "Today salvation has come to this house ...” .
The encounter of Zacchaeus with Jesus changed his life completely. Hearing this story from the Bible, reminds us of a verse from the book of Psalms that says: "Those who fear the Lord will learn from the way they must go.”Zacchaeus was wrong because he had not had an encounter with Jesus. But from the moment he met Jesus and learned the Word of God, decided to change his attitude and therefore received salvation, he and his entire family.
God loves everyone and wants everyone to leave the mistakes and become true children of God. To this one has to want be with Jesus, leaving the wrong things and living a new life, as did Zacchaeus. Jesus forgave and saved everyone in that house. If the person decided to leave the wrong things and commit his life to Jesus, then the Holy Spirit will guide you and show you the way it should follow. Who here will strive to do only what pleases God say amen!
Fun Chat
Educator, for this activity you need strip and sheets of paper, colored pencils, balloons and sweets for the entire class.
Formulate questions based on the lesson, screw inside the balloon. Stick the balloons on the board or wall making the phrase: God is our refuge and strength. Ask for kids to go ahead, pop balloons, and answer the question. After distributing the sheets, ask the class to each create a drawing based on the verse of the text (Wait for participation.)
At the end of the activity, they must present and explain the meaning of the picture for the whole class. Discuss the pictures and put them on the wall and distribute candy to the class
Conclude with a prayer asking God for the class so that they’re always sure of His presence.
- Learning the verse. 1) Read verse of the week and write down what you get: “Who, then, are those who fear the LORD? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose”. (Psalm 25.12) 2) Comment about the verse.
Sit down/stand up. Using the verse of the week to memorize, play with the children until they memorize the verse. Arrange the room in a semicircle and give orders. Children with the features you say should stand up, recite the verse and then sit again. Example: Those who have black hair stand up and recite the verse, those who wear tennis, those who wear glasses, and those who are in red blouse, etc.
Mid-week exercises:
1) Answer.
a) What was Zacchaeus occupation?
b) What was the town where Zacchaeus lived?
c) What decision did Zacchaeus take when he accepted Jesus?
d) What attitude did Zacchaeus take to see Jesus?
e) Why could not Zacchaeus see Jesus?
2) Reflect on your behavior and write down what is being asked.
What I have done that displeased God:
What I will do to please God: