Direction for the 12th of February up to the 18th of February.
Team of Faith: Helloooo Friends!!! Here we are again!! Did you miss us? We waited all week long for this moment again of coming to your CBC class! And today...who will we speak about???
Is it Ju???
Wrong again...
And the answer is...
So, are you ready? Let's pay attention because we are going to start.
Hello friends! I'm so glad to be with you here! As you know, my name's Meggy, I'm 8 years old, I wear glasses, I love myself, I am very friendly. I can be a little picky and I don't like icky smelly things, but I'm very kind and loving. I know that we will be very good friends. A big kiss for you all!
Pantufa |
Woof, woof... I'm Pantufa! Meggy's dog. I am vey playful and sometimes a bit clumsy. I like to run, jump and go after Tronic or Dinho's ball.
Team of Faith: How did you find it today friends? Did you like Meggy and Pantufa? Who are you expecting to find out about next week? Ta-ra!!!
BIBLICAL EDUCATOR: I loved it, loved it, loved it guys!!! Whay about you? Let's talk about Meggy...
You know what called my attention in Meggy? She wears glasses! Who here wears glasses as well?
But did you noticed what she said? She said that she loves herself! Sometimes guys, there are children who wear glasses, braces, children who have difficulty to express themselves, children with different skin colour, or with less conditions in the way they dress...and they feel less than others! They don't have the confidence to speak to other people, they are very shy, they feel that they are not as beautiful, and their self esteem goes down there. But let me tell you a secret, do you know why does Meggy, even thought she wears glasses, do you know why she is so confident about herself? No? Yes? Ok... We will tell you! Because she has the Spirit of God in her! Guys, when we have the Holy Spirit inside of us, He gives us the confidence.
Do you know what's confidence? It is that good and positive assurance when you're playing a game that for sure your team will win", so that's confidence about you also, that you are a winner, you're beautiful, smart, that you stand out, to look at ourselves and see how beautiful you are, because He created us like this! We look at our differences as something precious, because look around, did you ever noticed the trees, rivers, flowers, sky...isn't it beautiful? Who created it? Was it not God? So, EVERYTHING that He created is beautiful, including YOU!
And even when someone bullies us because of our differences, we don't feel down, because we know how important we are!
Did you see that Meggy loves to take care of herself? And by the way, she is very beautiful! When the Spirit of God is in us, we became the House of God! Did you know that? So we love to take care of ourselves! We eat veggies, we look after what we eat, we don't eat sweets all the time, or junk food, because we know what it's not healthy! We take care of our clothes, we love to take a shower, smell good and always look presentable!
And because the Spirit of God lives in her, this shows in her atittudes, she is loving, kind and friendly.. I can imagine how happy she makes her parents and friends around her! You know why? Well, she shows how much she loves them. She surprises her parents, she behaves, she pays attention and obeys, and she takes care of her brother, Biel. Even if she needs to give up her turn to play because of Biel, she does it. When we follow her example, we begin to love making others happy, so if we have to give up on something such as our turn to play with that lovely toy or we need to share things with someone, we do it gladly, because it's a pleasure doing it.
Uuuu friends!!! Meggy is teaching us so much! I will definitely follow on her example.
How about you?
What about Pantufa?
We can see that Pantufa is very close to everyone in the Team of Faith. He loves to run after Tronic and is very fun, does this reminds you of something??? No? We will explain...
Just as he is around his friends the team of faith we need to be around our God our best friend!
You didn't understand yet??? We will explain more...
We cannot look at God as a stranger, because He is not one! You cannot see Him, but He is always with us, we can play with Him, dance with Him, trust to tell Him our secrets, laugh with Him, talk to Him... and how can you do this? When you seek and pray to Him! In the moment of prayer or seeking His Presence, we have to treat Him just as you treat your best friend. How do you treat your best friend?
So there it is!
Ahhh friends, I loved the lesson today!
I want to act on it today still!
Let's do it together? What do you think of some tasks??? Yes?? Me too!!
So, following Meggys example this week we will:
- Everyday in the morning, after making your prayer to God, we will go to the mirror, look at ourselves and say "I'm beautiful, because of I am God's chosen child"
- Eat a piece of fruit and veggie, at least once a day - We have to look after God's House, right? :)
- Do something special for our brother or sister, in case you are the only child, so do it for your parents or someone close to you - We can share a toy with them, give up our turn so that they can have it, make a card, or tell them how much we love them!
And following Pantufa's example:
- We are going to start treating God as our BFF (Best Friend Forever) - In time of prayer, we will talk to Him as we talk to our BFF, we are going to tell Him the way we feel, how was our day, if something upset us and so on...
- Let's get our Bibles and read a verse there, and see what we learn from it. It's good if you have a children Bible, who has it?
In the Bible says... "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." Ephesians 5.1
So let's imitate these behaviours that Meggy and Pantufa show, that for sure it is from God!
See you next time! :)