Saturday 20 August 2011

Planning 21/08

Lesson of the week: Samson 

Biblical Reference
Psalm 32.5 and Judges 13 to 16

Purpose of the lesson
Teach the children that God forgives our mistakes when we tell Him.

Verse to memorize 
“Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity (…) and You forgave…” (Psalm 32.5)

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Class: 2-3 year olds


Start by asking: Little friends, what must we say when we do something wrong against a buddy? Educator, make a sorry face, wait them to participate and say: I’m sorry, friend! What do we say? Repeat with me: I’m sorry! That’s right. Today we will see a story about a man who disobeyed God but he was forgiven when he apologized to Him. Let’s find out who was this man? Then be quiet, it’s going to start.

The Story of Samson

THERE WAS a man called Samson, he was very strong. (Educator, show your muscles with your curled arms demonstrating strength and ask the kids to imitate). Little friends, do you want to be strong? Then you must eat right; eat everything your mommy (or the person who takes care of you) gives you, all right?
Samson defeated many enemies, (make a gesture of quantity with your hands) and he was chosen to defend the people of God. But do you know what happened? Samson started to date a young woman who was from the enemy’s people. Now what, kids? (Make a worried, surprised face). Samson’s girlfriend was called Delilah, repeat De-li-lah, that’s right! The enemies gave Delilah money for her to find out why Samson was so strong. Do you know what was Samson’s big secret, kids? God had asked him to never cut his hair. Samson told his secret to Delilah; then
when he was sleeping (make a gesture as if you were sleeping) his enemies cut Samson’s hair and he became weak. He was arrested and his enemies hurt him so badly (make a sad face). However Samson prayed and apologized to God for disobeying Him so God forgave him and gave him back his strength. And for the last time Samson defeated all his enemies.


Little friends, Samson told God all the bad things he did and was forgiven, but nothing bad would happen if he had obeyed God. Bad things happened to him not because he cut his hair but because he disobeyed God. (Educator, emphasize that wasn’t the hair cut that made him suffer, but his disobedience to God). Therefore, kids, always be obedient to daddy, to mommy, (guardian), be kind to your friends so Jesus can be always near you, understand? Who here will be obedient say “I will!”


Drawing. Educator, take to the class office paper and crayons; ask the kids to draw Samson.

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Class: 4-7 year olds


Start by asking: what do we do when we realize we made a mistake with someone else? (Wait for them to participate). We say sorry, we apologize, right? Today we will learn a story about a man who made big mistakes before God; yet, when he realized his mistake he deeply regretted and God forgave him. Let’s find out who was this man? Very well, pay attention, the story is about to start.

Confessing mistakes

ONCE UPON a time there was a man called Manoah. He had no children because his wife was barren. However, one day something very good happened, for an Angel from God appeared to Manoah’s wife and told her she would have a baby that, before he was born, would be consecrated to God. He should never cut his hair because he would be a Nazarite, in other words, he would live to serve God and defend his people. And so it happened, the child was born and was given the name of Samson.
For being very strong, Samson was always winning the battles, defeating enemies, and winning lots of armies on his own. One day he defeated even a lion. That’s right, the lion appeared in front of Samson and when he would go forward, Samson killed it. What a strength Samson had, right? He knew that he was chosen by God and because of that, his father taught him not to date young women who worshiped other gods.
But do you know what happened? (Wait for them to participate) Samson ended up liking Delilah, a Philistine young woman. The Philistines learned that Samson liked Delilah so they gave her money to discover the secret of Samson’s strength. She did everything she could to deceive Samson and for three times he 
gave her false clues. However she didn’t give up until Samson told her the big secret:
-I never cut my hair! Since I was born I was consecrated to God. I will lose my strength if my hair is cut.
Little friends, Samson should not have done this, because at the moment he told his secret, he broke his vow with God. When Samson was sleeping, his enemies cut his hair and he got weak. Samson was arrested and taken as a slave. They put Samson trapped in the columns of a temple where they used to worship a false god and the Philistines gathered to see Samson. They were laughing and mocking Samson because he was blind, weak and couldn’t do anything. However, Samson was sorry for breaking his vow and prayed to God asking for another opportunity to overcome his enemies. God forgave him and sent the Spirit of strength, so that for one last time he was filled up and then Samson brought down the columns of the temple, destroying all the enemies.


Kids, in the book of Psalms it is written: “Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity (…) and You forgave…” (Psalm 32.5)
Samson acknowledged that he was wrong, he confessed to God and the Lord forgave him, giving him another opportunity. If you have been disobedient to your parents, if you have been lying, speaking words that displease God, then ask Him forgiveness and stop doing wrong things so the Holy Spirit can come upon your life.

Fun chat

Educator, you will need pictures or images (easy to find on the internet) of the following things: laundry detergent, dish detergent, soap, toothpaste, floss, shampoo, cotton swab. Educator, stick each picture on an office paper except the toothpaste and the floss that must be put together. Pin the papers on the board or on the class wall.

Start by saying: kids, there are several products for cleaning and hygiene and I put here on the board some examples. I would like you to tell me for what they are. Educator, show them each product and wait for their participation. Explain how to use each one of them and then ask: Can a person who did something that displeased God use some of these products to clean their heart and get rid of disobedience and sin? (Wait for them to participate). Not at all, right? Only God can clean our hearts. Do you know when does He do that? When we truly regret just as Samson did; he sought forgiveness from God and he was attended. Children, if anyone here was doing something that displeased God, for example: disobeying the parents or guardian, lying, saying bad words, fighting with friends of school, etc. then ask forgiveness to God and from now on look out for new attitudes to pleases Him, understand?
Educator, pray with the class and then show them the poster of the week and memorize the verse.


Free Activity
Quiz. Ask them questions about the story they just heard.

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Class 8-10 year olds


Start by asking: what do we do when we realize we made a mistake with someone else? (Wait for them to participate). We say sorry, apologize, right? Today we will learn a story about a man who made big mistakes before God; yet when he realized his mistake he deeply regretted and God forgave him. Let’s find out who was this man? Very well, pay attention, the story is about to start.

Confessing Mistakes

THERE WAS A MAN called Manoah whose wife could not have children. One day, the Angel of God appeared to her and said: you are barren and never had a child, but now will give birth to a boy. He should never cut his hair because he will be a Nazarite, consecrated to the Lord from the womb, and he will begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines. That woman got a shock! That was her biggest dream, to have a child, what a great joy! Sometime after, the baby was born, grew and became a very strong and handsome young man, his name was Samson.
The people of Israel now had someone sent by God to defend them and Samson faced multiple enemies and won many fights. Samson was very strong and his strength came from God, for he had a very important mission: to defend his people because he was born for this. Once, a great lion came against him and Samson killed it easily.
The enemy knew that Samson was a young man chosen of God, and always tempted him in order to make him disobey God. His father always advised him to choose one of their young people, who worship the Living God, but when Samson became a young man he fell in love with a very beautiful young lady named Delilah. She called everyone's attention with her beauty, but she was a Philistines, an
enemy of the people of God. The Philistines hated Samson, but feared his strength, so they were constantly looking for a way to trick him, arrest him and kill him. Ah! If that happened, the problems of the Philistines would be solved. It was then discovered that he was in love with Delilah and saw the opportunity there to destroy him along with his people. They made a deal with Delilah as follows: she should discover the secret of Samson's strength and reveal it to them.
Delilah received a lot of money to accomplish the task, and made use of all her charm to trick Samson. Three times Samson distracted her, giving her false clues about his strength. But she did not give up and kept trying to get him to speak the truth. Every day Delilah insisted, until one day Samson broke down and revealed the secret saying:
- The secret of my strength is in my hair, it has never been cut! I was given to God from birth. If my hair is cut, I lose my strength; I'll be weak and be like any other man.
At that time Samson broke the covenant with God, because in fact his strength was not just in the hair, but in the vow he had with God. Do you know what happened after that? While Samson slept, the enemy cut his hair and he was weak. He was arrested and taken into slavery and even gouged out his eyes. How sad!
Then the Philistines gathered at the temple to worship their false god. The place was full of people who had fun and laughed at Samson. The old Samson, big and strong, was blind, weak, humiliated and tied between the columns of the temple. But at that moment, he repented of his sin and cried out to God with all his heart, asking Him one more time for the chance to defeat the enemies. And God filled him of His strength once more, and Samson brought down the pillars of the temple, destroying more enemies that day than in his whole life.


You see children! God is so merciful. At the time Samson repented, He forgave him and gave him the victory. But all this could have been avoided if Samson had obeyed. It is written in the Word of God: “Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity (…) and You forgave…”(Psalm 32.5). That's exactly what happened: Samson confessed to God that he had made a mistake and the Lord forgave him. If you have been disobedient or has done wrong things, cast your mistakes aside, ask God for forgiveness and change, so that the Holy Spirit can come over to your life and make you strong in the presence of God.

Fun chat

Educator, you will need pictures or images (easy to find on the internet) of the following things: laundry detergent, dish detergent, soap, toothpaste, floss, shampoo, cotton swab. Stick each picture on an A4 paper except the toothpaste and the floss that must be put together. Pin the papers on the board or on the class wall.
Start by saying: kids, there are several products for cleaning and hygiene and I put here on the board some examples. I would like you to tell me for what are they and what they're for. Educator, show them each product and wait for their participation.
Explain how to use each one of them and then ask: Can a person who did something that displeased God use some of these products to clean the heart and get rid of disobedience and sin? (Wait for them to participate). Not at all, right? Only God can clean our hearts. Do you know when does He do that? When we truly regret just as Samson did; he sought forgiveness from God and he was attended. Children, if anyone here was doing something that displeased God, for example: disobeying the parents, lying, saying bad words, fighting with friends at school, etc. then ask forgiveness to God and from now on look out for new attitudes to please Him, understand?
Educator, say a prayer with the class and then show them the poster of the week and memorize the verse.


Quiz. Ask them questions about the history they just heard. 
True or false. You may ask them, or write on the board for the whole class to participate.

Samples of True or false statements:

( ) Samson had a mission to protect his people.
( ) Samson did not obey his father’s advice.
( ) Samson fought with a lion and was defeated.
( ) The Philistines were Samson’s enemies.
( ) Samson fell in love with a young woman from his people.
( ) Samson fell in love with Delilah, a Philistine young woman.
( ) Delilah received money to discover Samson’s secret.
( ) The enemies cut Samson’s nails and he lost his strength.
( ) The enemies arrested and blinded Samson.
( ) Samson repented; so the Spirit of strength came upon him one last time
    and he defeated the enemies.

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