Tuesday 15 May 2012

CBC Lesson from 20th to 26th of May

Proverbs 6.6


Teach children that laziness displeases God.

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!” (Proverbs 6.6)


Take to the class pictures of a sloth and ants. Start by saying: Do you know the names of these animals? (Wait for their participation). This is the sloth that sleeps 14 hours a day; it lives hanging in trees and hardly comes out of them. These are ants that we know very well because we always find them walking around carrying something to eat. Today we will talk about a Proverb where ants are mentioned, let’s hear the story? Then pay attention!
TAYNA AND Paul were twins and they were 10 years old. They attended but they didn’t pay attention to the class, they were so lazy and always complaining.
Both of them were always arriving late in school because they were so slow in getting out of bed and their mother, Mrs. Rose, took a long time trying to wake them up. Paul did his homework very slowly and all he could think about was getting home and playing on the computer. The teachers were always drawing the attention to him and Mrs. Rose was always called to the school.
When they got home, they used to throw everything around the living room: backpacks, snickers and left everything disorganized. Tanya ran to play with her dolls and Paul with the computer and they only did their homework when Mrs. Rose said so.
After playing, Tanya left her dolls all over the place and Paul always forgot to turn off the computer and their mother ended up putting the dolls back in the right place, the backpacks, the snickers and finally organizing the mess. Mrs. Rose was teaching her children that they shouldn’t be lazy, but to no use. One day, the Biblical Educator of was teaching a verse that says: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.” When listening to the verse, Tanya asked its meaning and the Biblical Educator explained that God teaches through this Word that He does not like laziness and tells us to observe the ants; they are so small and they live searching for food, when they find it carry it back to the nest then carry on. God teaches us to observe the example of the ants for us to be wise and smart like them.
Paul and Tanya confessed they were not being smart because they were being dominated by laziness. Then the Biblical Educator said that it depends only on them to stop being lazy and act differently. The twins understood and, from that day on, they changed their behavior and became organized and studious.

The attitude of the twins affected them in school and made their mother sad.
Laziness affects many people and still displeases God. If you have been acting like the twins in the story then ask God to change your behavior for you to be blessed.


For this you will need newspaper balls (secular newspaper) and two plastic
bags. Spread the balls over the floor next to you, in front of the class, call two children (same age and height) and give them the bags.
Start by saying: I am going to make a game. They should pick up the balls and put them inside the bag they are holding, but (say the name of one kid) should put one hand behind her back and use the other, while (say the name of the other kid) can use both hands. Later we will count how many balls each one could get. Biblical Educator, start the game and when there is no more balls on the floor, take the bags and count with the class. Biblical Educator, possibly the child who used both hands should win the game. Ask: Why (say the name of the kid who used only one hand) could not get more balls then (say the name of the kid who used both hands) and win the game? Wait for their participation and conclude by saying: Class, just as (say the name of the kid who used only one hand) had difficulty to perform this game because he could not use two hands, so it is with the lazy person because laziness prevents us from performing tasks properly. Little friends, we must not be lazy, because if we act like this we will displease God and we don’t want that, right? (Wait for their participation). So, if you were lazy until today, determine that from now on this situation changes, ok! Who understood say Amen!
Biblical Educator, don’t forget to memorize the verse of the week with the children.



Age 2-3
SUNDAY-Let’s paint? Using crayons paint Paul from the story.
MONDAY-Game. Start by saying: Little friends, we learn in today’s story about Paul, a lazy boy who lived making a mess while his mother was working. Class, I remembered a very funny game, let’s play? Pay attention! We will imitate everything mom does at home.
Biblical Educator, make gestures to each action below and ask the kids to imitate. And say, let’s imitate mom or the person who takes care of you…
1. Sweeping the house;
2. Washing clothes;
3. Twisting clothes;
4. Hanging clothes;
5. Washing dishes;
6. Making porridge;
7. Driving a car;
8. Cleaning furniture;
9. Moping the floor;
10. Carrying shopping bags.
WEDNESDAY-Research. You will need cardboard, magazines, office paper.
Biblical Educator, distribute magazines and office paper to all children and ask them to choose pictures of people performing some task (help kids in need). Biblical Educator, when children choose the pictures, cut out and glue it on cardboard. Write on the cardboard as a title: WE SHOULD NOT BE LAZY. Interact with the children, congratulate every new picture. When the poster has several pictures, talk to the class about the actions done by the people in the pictures and explain that we should not be lazy.
Age 4-7
SUNDAY-Coloring and meditate on the verse. We have learned today that we should not be lazy.
MONDAY-Drawing the verse. Write the verse of the week on the board or cardboard. Read it to the children and ask them what they understood, then explain the verse. Distribute office paper and ask them to draw something about the verse.
TUESDAY-Designer time. Mrs. Rose didn’t like the lazy ways of her children. Draw how her face was.
WEDNESDAY-Paint before and after. Tanya and Paul changed there behavior after learning they should not be lazy.
THURSDAY-Research. Biblical Educator, distribute magazines and sheets of office paper to the children and ask them to cut out pictures of people performing a task. Children should glue it on the paper and write as a title: We should not be lazy. Biblical Educator, write for the illiterate children. At the end, talk to the class about the behavior of the twins in the story and about the activities performed by the people in the pictures.
FRIDAY-Mark with an X. Paint the scenes and mark with an X only those where the twins from the story are not being lazy.
SATURDAY-Game. Biblical Educator, make a circle with the kids and explain the game: Children, I will say the name of one of you and will ask: (so-and-so) are you lazy? He/she should answer: I’m not lazy because (the kid should say how he/she helps at home), for example: clean my room.
Understood? Biblical Educator, make sure they understand then continue: you should say an activity you are used to doing. Those who don’t answer or say the same activity said as before will leave the circle and will watch the game. Who stays until the end wins.

Age 8-10
SUNDAY-Organizing and memorizing. Cut and glue in the frame the ants in the right order from the verse.
MONDAY-Working in pairs. For this activity you will need office paper, glue, pencil, colored pencil, magazines and cardboard (if you don’t have a board in the room). Write the verse of the week on the board or cardboard. Read it and ask the children what they understood. Then distribute the paper and the other materials. Ask them to write as a title “No laziness”. Tell them to create a drawing where he/she (or another person) is performing a task. At the end they can comment about the drawings (if they want).
TUESDAY-Enigma. Follow the orientations of the dots and find out the message.
WEDNESDAY-Different puzzle. Tanya and Paul were lazy. Paint, cut and glue the pieces correctly.
THURSDAY-Free activity.
FRIDAY-Find the differences. Tanya and Paul changed their behavior after learning they should not be lazy.
SATURDAY-Game. Biblical Educator, make a circle with the children and explain the game: Children, I will say the name of one of you and ask: (so-and-so), are you lazy? And he/she will answer: I’m not lazy because
(the kid will say how he/she helps at home), for example: clean my room. Did you understand, little friends? Biblical Educator, make sure they understood and keep the game going: You will say an activity that you do. Those who don’t answer or say an activity already said then they will leave the circle and will stay sitting down watching the game.Who stays until the end wins.

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