Wednesday 4 July 2012

CBC in the faith of Abraham - supplementary lesson

Supplementary Material for the Campaign of Israel    
Genesis 22, 1-19

Teach the children and make them understand that obedience is the right attitude to be close to God.

“And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”(1 John 5, 14)

    Educator, start this lesson by reminding the children about the last lesson: “Kids, do you remember the last story? It was about the faith of Abraham. A man who is a role model for all of us because of his great faith. He heard the voice of God making him a promise, and he obeyed. On today’s story, you are going to learn about the fulfilling of the great promise that God said to Abraham, also a request made by Him, and once again … he obeyed. Listen carefully!  
Once, God called Abraham and told him that he was going to be a father. Abraham was already seventy years old, how could it be if he and his wife were already old? Abraham’s wife, Sara, found it very funny and laughed. Kids, God has the power to make an old woman have children, because He is the Almighty God! The same way He can make great things happen in our lives. When Abraham was a hundred years and his wife was ninety, Sara got pregnant! God is faithful in His promises and always fulfills them! All of that happened because of Abraham obedience.   
Abraham named his son Isaac. After a few years, God asked Abraham to offer a sacrifice for Him. Kids, a long time ago, before Jesus died on the cross for us, people used to offer animals to God on the altar. But this time He was asking Abraham something that He never asked him before. He was asking for Abraham’s only son! And do you know what? Abraham obeyed and trusted God, and do you know why? Because his only desire was to do the will of God. We should also have the same desire.
We have to make an effort to do the will of God, always do His will.
 Abraham took his son to the place where God determined, Mount Moriah. Isaac helped his dad to cut the firewood for the sacrifice and he climbed the mount with him.
Arriving there Isaac asked Abraham, “Daddy, we have the firewood, the cutlass, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Abraham answered, “God will provide the lamb my son.” How great was the faith of Abraham in God, kids? We also should keep all of our faith in God, making an effort to please Him.
Abraham prepared an altar and placed Isaac on it. When he raised the cutlass to sacrifice his son, then, the angel of God appeared and said: “Abraham! Abraham, don’t touch him. Now God knows that you really love Him, because you didn’t deny your only child.”
Kids, when Abraham looked behind, he saw a lamb stuck with his own horns in a tree. God had provided everything! Abraham sacrificed the lamb and returned home with his son Isaac.

You know kids, we need to prove to God that we are obedient to Him. We should love God more than anything else; trust Him in all situations, even if it looks very difficult, even if we have to make a big effort to do so. He is always close to us and he’s faithful. Today, we have the opportunity to show God our obedience through our attitudes of faith. In this Campaign, show to God all your effort and ask Him to help you do His will. You know why? If we do the will of God we’ll have the best for our lives, because His will is good, perfect and pleasant. Is there anything better than this?
If we obey Him, our God will fulfill His promises in our lives, as He did to Abraham.

Biblical Educator, prepare in advance some stars, cut them out and write the names of each child in the class on the stars. Give each star to the child with their name on it. Then ask them to write their request on the star, and our request in this campaign will be: ‘God help me to do your will, as Abraham did.’ With the little ones you can write it down for them. The children should bring the star every day to church until the end of the campaign. On the day of the campaign, they should bring the star with their best.

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