Wednesday 5 September 2012

CBC Lesson from 9th to 15th of September

1 King 3.3-14

Teach the kids that we should always worried about pleasing God, one of the ways of pleasing God is to be selfless.

‘Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor.’ (Proverbs 3.16)

Show the class a few toys and an empty food container, but cover the container so that it looks as if there is food in it. Tell the children: "Today I brought some toys to give to all of you and also a lunch to give to someone you know is in need of food. You have to choose who takes the lunch because someone won’t win any toys”
(Wait a moment to see the reaction of the kids.) Surely they will all prefer to win a toy instead of taking the food. Ask the children to sit down, and then say, "Let’s see how many of us think more about ourselves then others! I want to tell you a story about a situation similar to this. The story is about a king who had to choose between asking something for himself or for his people. Let’s listen!

LAST WEEK, we told you how Solomon was chosen to reign in David's place. After raising his son, David died and Solomon ruled Israel. He loved God very much and always cared to follow and obey all that his father had taught him. One day, Solomon went to Gibeon, on a very high place, and there he offered a thousand offerings to God, demonstrating his love for Him, that attitude of Solomon left God very pleased, at night, while sleeping, God appeared to him and said: "Ask what you want, that I will give it." How wonderful. Can you imagine having the opportunity to ask God for anything you wanted? Solomon could not miss that great opportunity.
So, he stopped, thought, and with all humbleness said to God: "The Lord had much love and affection to my father David, because he was faithful, uprightly and pure hearted. Lord, You've kept this affection giving to him a son to sit in his throne. Now, O Lord, my God, made me to reign in the place of my father David, I am just a child, and I don’t know how to lead a nation. Give your servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, and wisely distinguish between good and evil. "
Solomon knew he needed direction and guidance from God for a successful reign. He never once more forgot what his father had taught him. The order of Solomon was to govern the people with wisdom and justice. How nice is that? Solomon's biggest concern was not himself but his people. He could have taken that opportunity and have asked a lot of things from God. But he was humble.
How often do we just care about ourselves, and forget those around us ... right? Sometimes, we have a neighbour, friend at school, a teacher, etc., needing help from God, and we don’t stop to talk about Jesus to them, or remember to pray for them, asking God to transform their lives. We should follow the example of Solomon and ask God to bless those who are suffering.
Solomon's attitude towards God made Him so pleased that He said: "Since you have asked me understanding to discern what is right, rather than wealth, I will give you a heart wise and intelligent as anyone ever will have, and I will also give you much richness that no other king has or will have, and if you walk in my ways as David did, I will lengthen thy days of life.
How wonderful. The humble request of Solomon did make him have more than what he had asked for. Solomon was very responsible with the mission that God gave him. He was so concerned with his responsibility, he asked God for wisdom to rule. Have you ever been more concerned in asking God for more things to you or you have also agreed to ask for your family and friends? If not, think that those also need Jesus, and God will give you everything you need.

AGE 2-3
SUNDAY - Draw anything that you want for a friend. Then paint it very nice.
MONDAY- Painting the scene. During the night, while sleeping, God spoke to Solomon.
WEDNESDAY- Free activity.

AGE 4-7
SUNDAY - Draw anything that you want for a friend. Then paint it very nice.
MONDAY -Painting the scene. During the night, while sleeping, God spoke to Solomon.
TUESDAY Free activity.
WEDNESDAY- Free drawing. Ask children to draw pictures of THEIR family and pray for them.
THURSDAY -Free activity.
FRIDAY- Copying and learning. We will learn to make the name of Him who blesses us as He blessed Solomon.
SATURDAY -Free activity.

AGE 8-10
SUNDAY - Draw anything that you want for a friend. Then paint it very nice.
MONDAY -Painting the scene. During the night, while sleeping, God spoke to Solomon.
TUESDAY -Free activity.
WEDNESDAY -Free drawing. Ask children to draw pictures of THEIR family and pray for them.
THURSDAY- Free activity.
FRIDAY- Copying and learning. We will learn to make the name of Him who blesses us as He blessed Solomon.
SATURDAY -Free activity.

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