Saturday 28 September 2013

21 Days Fast of Daniel - Week from 29/09 to 05/10

Dear Educator,

This week we are going to talk about Joseph, how he trusted God even when he was sold as a slave to Egypt by his brothers and there he was put into prison by Potiphar, his master, but in all this trouble he never forgot to trust God that would come out of this situation.
Joseph was obedient to the word of God, and never denied his faith on Him, so children when go through a bad moment in school or with your friends that you want to lie instead telling the truth or being angry or misbehaving you should pray to God and trust Him that He will help you. 

Visual Resources:

Here is today's suggestion: how about doing a panel in the classroom for children mark their participation in Fasting?
Below are some of examples of little dolls, which may be used in the panel or Board as you prefer for each child that is participating in the Fast make his little face, as a way of saying "I'm also participating the Fast of Daniel! "
Can be made with foam paper, colored paper, cardboard, finally, just use your creativity!! Its going to be a fun activity for us to do this Sunday 29th, as the children can help prepare their own dolls.



Little faces

More shapes

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