Monday 23 July 2012

CBC Lesson from 29th of July to 4th of August

Psalms 65.1

Teach children that we should practice what we promised in our prayer and praise.

“Praise is awaiting You, O God…and to You the vow shall be performed.” (Psalms 65.1)


Start by saying the following: Did anyone here promised something to you but
did not keep the promise? (Wait the participation). It is so bad to wait something promised and did not receive it, right? Children, there are several ways of promising something to someone. There are promises just giving your word, there are also documents, proceedings, agreements people sign promising they will comply with what is written on that paper. Today we will teach another way of promising something, but to God. Let’s find out how? Then listen carefully!


EVERY DAY Carol went to . She liked to go there because she met her friends. She did not pay attention to the stories, did not get interested in making prayers; she did not care about the things of God. What she really wanted was to talk with other girls. Carol always saddened her mother with her naughtiness. You see, little friends!
It was no use going to church, if she was not paying attention to the Word of God. At the time of praise, Carol sang loudly, but kept looking and laughing at the other children. One time, Annie, Carol's cousin, was attending a class and saw that her cousin had not a good behavior. When she arrived at Carol’s home, Annie told Mrs. Laura, Carol’s mother, about the attitudes of the girl in the house of God. Mrs. Laura waited for the best moment to speak with her daughter. One day, Mrs. Laura was listening to praises and saw that Carol was happily singing the songs that talked about doing God's will. Carol repeated the words without realizing she was making a vow to God, a promise to Him. Then, Mrs. Laura, said:
- Carol, I’m happy to see that you are praising God, but do not forget that we
should do it with all our hearts. God wants us to praise Him not only with songs, but also with our good actions. Have you been praising Jesus with your actions?
Carol said with a sad voice that was not behaving well, and knew it was displeasing God. The girl's mother also explained that every time she sang a praise, should think very well what she was singing, because when singing she was committing to God through praise. That day, the girl learned a great lesson and said she would watch over her actions; she would obey and no longer would mess in the house of God.


Friends, Carol understood how important is to God that, besides singing, the
person practice what is singing. This example reminds me a verse from the book of Psalms that says: “Praise is awaiting You, O God…and to You the vow shall be performed.” You see? We should praise the Lord Jesus and practice what we promised while we sing. So, how about from now on we always meditate on what we are singing to our God? Amen!
Educator, take to the class a radio and a gospel CD (for kids). Start the fun chat saying to the class: Kids, who here wants to play? (Wait their participation). Then all stand up in silence. The game is: you will do everything I say and do, ok? You should be alert and imitate me.


Educator, start the game giving some orders to the kids. Say, for example:
Everybody, put your hands on your heart, put your hands on your head, put your hands on your nose. Educator, instead of putting your hands on your nose, put them on your eyes, that is, you should give an order but will do something else; observe their reaction and participation. The kids will certainly notice the mistakes between your orders and your actions. Then conclude by saying: Did you realize that I am saying one thing and doing another? (Wait their participation). It confused you when imitating me, right? Did you know that many people act exactly like this in the presence of God? Many of them pray, sing, praise God with beautiful words, promising so many things but later they do not do anything of what was said; they say one thing
and do another, just like this game. Children, we should be honest to God and obey Him with all our hearts, amen?
Who, from today on, will be more careful and will sing praises to God but also
obey Him? Very well!

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